Organic Food - What Do We Know About It?

Organic Food ?

We live in a dynamic century of industrialization and modernization, as if the adverse factors are far more than the permissible limits. There are many examples that prove this - have polluted the air, water and even food. Or less each of us strives to lead a relatively healthy lifestyle - combining sport with the intake of healthier food.
In recent years, in large hypermarkets have begun to emerge stands the so-called organic food - fruits and vegetables that are less attractive in appearance, with a relatively short shelf life and price, two times higher than for the same products marketed. Undoubtedly there would be a question: "Is it worth paying twice or three times higher price for products widely distributed commercially and what they give us?"
What should I know about organic food? The terms organic, ecological or biofoods mean the same thing - food grown without the aid of genetic engineering, pesticides, soil fertilizer and other synthetic substances that protect it from insects or low yield. It is packed and stored in a manner that does not worsen its taste qualities. It is absolutely clear ecological food - as was practically every food ahead of time, without any hormonal supplements or the intervention of genetic engineering.
Several studies show that organic foods have more minerals, vitamins and biologically active substances to the products made from synthetic additives. This is important because food (plant or animal) body gets most of the necessary nutritive elements, and its composition is determined by the conditions in which it was produced. For example, if potatoes are treated with venom against potato beetles, and chickens received hormones for faster growth, it is not how the intake of such food does not "make" harmful to the body substances.
Processed organic food usually contains only organic ingredients. If there is presence of inorganic, at least a certain percentage of the total food plant and animal ingredients must be organic. Requirements in the U.S. and Australia this percentage is higher than 95. In Bulgaria bio is any product containing more than 98 percent of the weight part nutrients certified bioproizhod.
In the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition published a study which includes an analysis of more than 160 studies made over the past 50 years. He said no significant difference in whether or consume organic food products simple.
There have been dozens of such studies do not demonstrate a different taste and greater safety for consumption of organic products, but there is evidence that organic foods have up to 57% higher nutritional value than conventional products. Exception and a major new study conducted at the University of Newcastle, which shows that organic fruits and vegetables contain up to 40% more antioxidants than conventional.
Furthermore, organic apples are sweet and have good shelf life compared to traditional cultivation. Another example shows that organic tomatoes bred level of flavonoids is twice higher than in standard bred tomatoes. Perhaps it really is not Organic food and high food value or taste different from traditional, but the absence of any additives has been a major prerequisite for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
Be careful with your choice of fruit and vegetables. To achieve a longer shelf life, improve appearance and increase profits from production start to use more powerful chemicals (for growth promotion), antibiotics (for longer shelf life) as and genetic engineering (for growing food for her abnormal conditions). Many of these substances in the body after falling reduce its resistance forces.
Medical studies in Europe and the USA show that widespread use of synthetic substances leads to an increase in the number of diseases such as cancer, diabetes and arthritis. When this was added the influence of polluted air, water and a sedentary lifestyle, the outcome of the situation is clear and unfortunately negative.
Many nutritionists advise being careful in the choice of fruits and vegetables. Lowest level of pesticides was observed in asparagus, avocados, bananas, broccoli, cauliflower, corn, kiwi, mangoes, onions, green peas, papaya and pineapple. Accordingly, it is the highest level of pesticides in apples, celery, cherries, grapes, peaches, pears, potatoes, spinach and strawberries.
According to a statistics... Organic foods represent 1-2% of total worldwide sales of food and gradually increasing their market as well as in highly developed countries and in more slowly developing.
Global sales of organic foods jumped from 23 billion U.S. dollars in 2002 to 40 billion dollars in 2006 The global market for organic food increased by 20 percent per year since the early 90's, with projections for future growth in the range of 10-15% annually depending on the country. Ultimately, up to 30 years ago almost every farm was producing organic food - without the use of synthetic additives or genetically engineered. Yields may not have been so high, but the taste and flavor of the manufactured product were comparable to those that consume today. Perhaps the demand for organic food is not an end in itself and random fashion, and expression of a natural desire for health.
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