Secret Benefits of Organic Food
Why should you eat organic food? For
one thing if you have ever gone to the doctor, have they told you to watch what
you eat? In other words have you been eating the right kinds and amounts of
proper protein, fruit and vegetables? Unfortunately because of modern mass
gardening or "Conventional" practices of growing vegetables and even
livestock many of these inherently "good for you" foods secretly
contain harmful chemicals, hormones and pesticides just to name a few.
Therefore, just plain ordinary,
common sense tells you that perhaps, just perhaps, you should switch your
veggies and dairy items to organically grown products. Furthermore for those of
you who eat meat, find organic and hormone free meat products.
Another reason is simply because
most of these have been treated with pesticides as well as hormones not to
mentioned antibiotics, and, still others are genetically modified. Many
Conventional Farmers have used methods that include chemicals, hormones and
fertilizers to make their livestock bigger, and their veggies more prolific. Sadly
some may even know that these chemically laced foods if ingested are a danger
to health.
That is why it is so important
that you take back the control of what you and your loved ones eat. Organically
grown food is not magic, mystical or anything even fancy. All it takes is a
little planning, fertile soil, sunlight, water and some good compost for
veggies and fruit; and organically fed, cage free livestock to make it all
work. It is something many can grow themselves or buy from local organic
farmers. It's another way to take back control and have victory over what you
Even more evidence of the benefits
of organic food comes from Professor Carlo Leifert, & his team, based at
the university's Tesco center for organic agriculture whose four-year study
showed that "organic fruit and vegetables contained up to 40% more
antioxidants than non-organic varieties," and he said that... "Larger
differences were found in milk, with organic varieties containing more than 60%
more antioxidants and healthy fatty acids..." (Source: Oct 29, 2007 Organics Science News)
Keep another advantage in mind;
you will probably enjoy these veggies even more because organically grown
vegetables taste much better.
These properly grown veggies can
make your body feel better too, merely because they have more nutrients in
them, thus making them more satisfying to you and your body.
Nutrients, what do you mean you
ask? It is widely known that the organic growing of vegetables and livestock
restores the sustainability of our soil. Also known is conventional methods
that use chemical fertilizers, pesticides and hormones to make their products
look better and grow faster, eradicate essential vitamins and nutrients from
the soil. This in turn makes whatever is grown in that depleted soil deficient
also. What this means is you are not getting the "required daily
allowance" that your body needs. In short, because of the conventional
methods of growing non-organically you most likely are eating nutrient deprived
veggies and meat. This has been linked to people overeating and obesity.
Here is another plus, by eating
organic vegetables and food you are actually helping the environment. How? When
farmers use organic methods on the land they farm, they employ proper
cultivation, proper use, and crop rotations that reinforce nutrients into that
soil making it sustainable and therefore farmable by the next generation. So
when you grow or buy organic foods you are helping yourself and the environment
to be more sustainable for the future.
Don't be surprised when you go to
the supermarket, if the price of organically grown veggies and other products
are more expensive than those conventionally grown. This is another good reason
to grow your own Victory
Garden if possible.
Let's face it when it comes to
your health, buying quantity foods for less instead of quality organic foods,
just doesn't pay. The toll of eating potentially tainted food, for you and
those you love is just too high.
Do you honestly believe you should
always buy something just because it is cheaper? Frankly, in the case of food,
the answer must be no! You can't put a price on the lives of those who eat it. Don't
wait until someone you know and love gets sick, do something now and go
You have possibly noticed some of
the prices of organic items are beginning to lower. Why? More and more farmers
are growing organic and even many large supermarkets have added organic,
hormone free products as a staple for this growing market. Hopefully soon
Organic food will become an industry standard and prices will come down.
But with all the weather and crop
loss in the past few months throughout the world, the news worldwide has been
reporting that prices on food, in general may be going up. So it is time to
think about growing your own Victory
Garden and to help you
get started you can find many free gardening tips and videos at: to help you and your family become naturally sustainable.
Author: Doreen Whitelock, Be Well
and Do Great
Article Source:
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